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My Voice

EP 1: The spiral

EP 1: The spiral

The expansion of the self from a strong central core. A journey for an evolving consciousness. A form that intrinsically carries the sense of change.

EP 2: The original purpose

EP 2: The original purpose

A beginning from our center towards a tireless search for answers. Our questions mark the path from a solid self, without a goal, but discovering ourselves better at each turn of the spiral.

EP 3: Crisis as the zero point to find ourselves again

EP 3: Crisis as the zero point to find ourselves again

We enter into ourselves and recalibrate our essence in coherence. Emptiness as an opportunity for deep understanding. The black hole as reset and activation of your inner gaze.

EP 4: A source outside that bounces back inside

EP 4: A search outside that bounces back inside

All the knowledge and search outside, which are worthwhile to train ourselves, always lead us to look inside. No matter how much we search outside, the work of discovering the self invites us to delve inside ourselves. Internalizing the outside leads to understand what we still have to improve about ourselves to detect the design of the “theater” of our life, which speaks to us symbolically, and to be able to flow in the best possible way in our circumstances.
EP 5: Bringing Heaven to Earth
EP 5: Bringing Heaven to Earth
The inside determines the outside. The whole within us and us in the whole. If I know myself inside, I can observe with other eyes what happens outside and understand it deeply. Bringing heaven to earth, rediscovering our divinity through the objective observation of our self and then expanding and feeling stronger within, able to translate our discoveries into a language understandable to our mind.
EP 6: The Earth. A forgotten tool
EP 6: The Earth. A forgotten tool
The Planet as a source of connection and inspiration. We slow down outside to discover ourselves inside. We decide to connect with our earth to receive the information necessary in this moment to complete us. The horizon leads us to slow down our pace and anchors us to the heart of Gaia through our heartbeat. We amplify our perception to expand ourselves.


My Voice



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