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What is Volvendo?

It is a voice: mine

It is a journey: that of many

It is a starting point: my centre

In a tireless quest for answers in the visible and in the invisible.

Will you come along?

Welcome to my evolving space where, starting from my experience, we will be hearing other voices that will help us do a more in-depth examination of the questions many of us ask ourselves.

I do not claim to provide answers, only to explore interesting fields and through my questions to embark on a journey, one represented by my spiral: a strong centre that radiates outwards.

Welcome to my evolving space where, starting from my experience, we will be hearing other voices that will help us do a more in-depth examination of the questions many of us ask ourselves.

I do not claim to provide answers, only to explore interesting fields and through my questions to embark on a journey, one represented by my spiral: a strong centre that radiates outwards.


Contributing in some way

My purpose is to leave behind something that may be useful for those who resonate with me.

Presenting tools that may contribute to interpreting reality and to more easily live the day-to-day, to optimise our personal resources and to create a new collective awareness, one that is more sensitive and collaborative.

Amplifying human capabilities to steer reality towards horizons of satisfaction, prosperity and cooperation. If you, too, think that everything is possible, this space is for you.


These are just a few of the topics I will try to encompass from a vision as neutral as possible. However, my spiral is continuously changing, so I cannot promise you that this purpose remains the same in the course of an adventure that I embark on, knowing only and simply where I start from.

If you follow me, you will discover with me where it will take us!

You never know, perhaps you may disembark with me in a totally new evolutionary space or return to the starting point to start anew, but with a different and updated awareness.

I believe in human change

And transformation and, if we all change and transmute our dark zones into light, we will create an increasingly aware milieu around us; this means changing our world, increasing our perceptions and thus making a glorious impact on our Planet.

Are you up for it?

We are unlimited beings

We can do the “impossible”

If we escape our mental cage


My Voice



If you like what you’ve just read, in the My voice section and in the Interviews section you will find information in a podcast format that you can listen to whenever you like.

If you want to delve even deeper, I will fill the Reflections space with more information to complement the audios. 

I would have a lot more to say, but I’ll stop here for now! 

Let’s see how it evolves…

I trust that you will be able, like I do, to open up new frontiers in your mind, and if this, my guiding thread that is my voice, succeeds in making your reality a bit more carefree, more internally productive and, why not, easier, I will have attained my objective.

I wish you godspeed on my spiral!

Episodes – My Voice

EP.1 - The spiral

The expansion of the self from a strong central core. A journey for an evolving consciousness. A form that intrinsically carries the sense of change.

EP.2 - The original purpose

A beginning from our center towards a tireless search for answers. Our questions mark the path from a solid self, without a goal, but discovering ourselves better at each turn of the spiral.


EP.3 - Crisis as the zero point to find ourselves again

We enter into ourselves and recalibrate our essence in coherence. Emptiness as an opportunity for deep understanding. The black hole as reset and activation of your inner gaze.


I will only send you emails to notify you of the publication of new episodes.

Volvendo’s Original Material

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